Coaches Register
The horsescotland Coaches Register is now fully incorporated into our App. This means that all coaches who have logged on to their account, updated their details with current first aid, child protection, insurance, and PVG (if applicable), and agreed to our coaches code of conduct, are now part of the live register.
What does that mean for fully registered coaches?
It's FREE!!
Account can be accessed 'on the go' via their phone, or at any time on a tablet/laptop/desktop computer
Certificates/documents can be photographed or scanned and uploaded
Documents are stored safely in one place for ease of access
General app users can search for a registered coach using specific criteria such as location or discipline
General app users can make direct contact via the system, keeping coach contact details hidden
All registered coaches appear on an interactive map
Discounted insurance
How do I sign up/login?
Download our app. to your mobile phone by scanning this QR code:
Or click this link to open the app on your mobile phone/tablet/computer:
Once the app is installed just follow the instructions in one of the documents below:
Please note, if you try to sign up as a new coach and the system won't accept your email address this means that an account has already been set up for you. In this case please use the 'Instructions for current coaches'.