CPD Opportunities
Mental Health

Access UK Coaching’s new Duty to Care Toolkit and earn the free nationally recognised Duty to Care Digital Badge.
As a coach, you have a duty to care for every individual you support and interact with, on and off the field of play. This should be the golden thread that runs through every aspect of your coaching, as you strive to meet people’s physical, social, emotional and psychological needs.
UK Coaching has established a unique Duty to Care approach to galvanise the coaching sector to fulfil their obligations around the Duty to Care ethos, the principles of which underpin great coaching.
With recent months having put an immense strain on people’s physical and mental well-being, the Toolkit has been designed to support you to support the people you coach, whilst simultaneously giving you the knowledge and skills to better look after your own health and well-being.
The Toolkit will give you the confidence to embrace and adjust to the changed coaching landscape because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Learn more about the Duty to Care Toolkit
What is the Duty to Care Toolkit?
The Toolkit comprises of the UK Coaching Duty to Care ‘Digital Badge’ and supporting coach learning resources set across the five distinct pillars of Duty to Care:
Mental Health
To earn the Duty to Care ‘Digital Badge’ you must successfully complete the five free Knowledge Checks.
There is an extensive suite of learning around each pillar, with five separate pages signposting you to the most relevant resources to help you refresh and grow your knowledge around each theme.
There is no set learning process, so coaches can embark on the Knowledge Checks or the learning whichever way round they like.
Enrol on your first Knowledge Check now
Why Get the Badge?
Think of the badge as:
an indication of your commitment to great coaching
proof that you have demonstrated a thorough knowledge of the principles of duty to care
evidence of your continuing professional development.
So, what are you waiting for?