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Kelly Connor Winter Blog✨


Well it has been a bit of a harder winter than normal as there hasn’t been any shows to keep us motivated with the current lockdown. In saying that, it has been a good chance to let the horses spend some time working on the basic foundations and also to spend a bit more time working on my own strength & fitness. The horses have been doing lots of hacking and doing some simple pole & grid work to keep there brains from getting bored and keep there body ticking over. I have spend some time at home doing lots of online & zoom fitness classes including some of Lauren’s hiit sessions(which never seem to get easier) I have also been doing some simple pilates and yoga to try improve my own flexibility and I’m definitely feeling better in the saddle as it wouldn’t be normal for me to go this long without seeing either Robyn or maeve my physio. It is now looking likely to be getting a bit closer to shows starting to resume so horses are starting to increase there work level and will be getting ready go start jumping some bigger jumps so we are ready to go as soon as possible. I hope everyone else has managed to do the best they can in this awful situation and here’s hoping we can all be doing what we love again soon.
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